Men’s and Women’s Small Groups 2023-2024

“A Gospel Community in Action,” is more than our Vision Statement. It’s what we try live out as believers on a daily basis. As Fall is just around the corner, so is the start of small groups! What better way to live out our call as “A Gospel Community in Action” then in the context of a Small Group?

We have men's and women's small groups, family groups and college-based community groups. Whatever you choose, you can find close knit relationships built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and His atoning work on the cross, the Gospel. You can find a place where you can share both the highs and lows of life, and a place where people genuinely care, a place where you can find community. You can receive encouragement to be doers of the Word and not just mere hearers. A place where you put your faith into action.

This year, our men’s and women’s small groups will be studying the book of Hebrews and will begin at the end of September.
Please sign up to join a new small group here!

(If you are continuing with a group from last year, please let your leader know;  you do not need to register.)

For questions or more info, contact:
Hugh Kim - (men's groups)
Bommy Mershon - (women's groups)
Janet Shim - (general questions)


2024 Missions Promise Pledge


Family Groups